Arty Cat Cinnamon
My cat Cinnamon is being cosy in my daughter's den. ねこのシナモン。娘のアートな巣でリラックス中。

Easter Eggs 2015
Happy belated Easter! We colored our 15th Easter eggs. 遅くなりましたが、今年のイースターエッグ。毎年真剣に作ります。

The Fourth Show at Kaleisia
My 4th show at Kaleisia. I have a little bit bigger and colorful prints this time. I have these prints for two more weeks....

Baby Pineapple
After about three years since we planted a pineapple leaves, we have a baby pineapple!! A pale green toad is living on a leaf perfectly....

Kaleisia Tea Lounge
Kaleisia tea Lounge talked about me on their Facebook. Thank you again Kaleisia! https://www.facebook.com/tealounge?fref=photo...

Birthday Card
Green pea and rice polka gots. A card my daughter made for me on my birthday March 6th. 3月6日に娘がくれた豆ごはん模様のバースデーカード。

A PANTONE mug cup from The Phillips Collection in Washington DC my daughter got for me as a birthday present.The PANTONE color chip...

The third show at Kaleisia
I've changed my prints at Kaleisia Tea Lounge in Tampa. This time I have five more woodcut prints from my "Chance" story. I was glad that...

“Psyched Out: Reinvented Myths”
I went to see Hillsborough County Student Surrealist Art Exhibit, 2015 at Dali museum. My daughter's work received an award!...

PANTONE paint brochure. I do like "PANTONE". ホームセンターで取ってきたペンキのパンフレット。パントンはおしゃれです。好きです。